

Setup Guide

Official documentation is available here.

Make sure to save your wallet private key after installation. You can view your wallet data using the following command: cat $HOME/.story/story/config/wallet.txt.

Note: In order to become an active validator, you need to have more tokens bonded than the last validator ordered by the tokens bonded, or the validator set must not be full.

This testnet is not incentivised.


Use our script, specify a name for your node, and wait for the installation to complete.

Request tokens at the faucet. You can check your wallet address with the following command: story validator export | grep "EVM Public Key:" | awk '{print $NF}'. Once both nodes are fully synchronized, proceed to creating a validator.

Validator Creation

To create a new validator, run the following command:

Additional Commands

View story node logs:

View story-geth node logs:

Restart story node:

Restart story-geth node:

Check node status:

Check your node's latest block height, you can compare it with the latest block height in our explorer.

Check if the node is synchronized. If the result is false, the node is synchronized:

Validator Staking.

To stake to an existing validator, run the following command:

Remove node:

Stuck? Ask!

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