


How to delegate Evmos tokens (EVMOS)?


You can stake your own tokens and locked tokens.

Validator address: evmosvaloper1vw7k3z99swlv7svjmnrrqvu6zdmatqhvzuz7lu

Link to Evmos explorer  

Full guide:

1. Install Keplr wallet

If you don't have Keplr wallet - install it.

2. Delegate

Go to the staking portal and connect your wallet:

Evmos 1

Evmos 2

Evmos 3

Now choose "All validators" tab, type "Nodes.Guru" in the search box and click "Manage":

Evmos 4

Click "Delegate":

Evmos 5

Choose "Max" (or type your own value) and click "Delegate":

Evmos 6

Choose "Low" fee and click "Aprrove" (leave the memo field empty):

Evmos 7

After some time you should see "Successfully included in a block" alert and now you are able to manage your delegation and claim rewards:

Evmos 9

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